In my attempts to receive weather stations on the 868MHz band, without exact knowledge on for example transmission frequencies, I have performed sweeps of frequency range 867.850 – 869.000 MHz in steps of 20kHz. In the loggings I have been looking for periodic signal. Using a histogram of pulse durations, both on and off durations, I was able to recognize signatures of signals. This approach led to the identification of the following signals:
- Two Alecto WS4000 or similar weather stations.
- An Oregon Scientific THN128 433MHz, received at 868MHz band.
- A Philips outdoor temperature sensor for Philips clock radios, also a 433MHz module
Besides those identified signals, I have several unidentified periodic signals, many with a periodicity of around or exact 30 seconds. I have created some signal catalogue for my own reference, but any help on those signals is appreciated. send me a message on info at sevenwatt com.